Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the power of suggestion...

There are times that we can't have what we want, but oftentimes we can suggest and hope that we can have what we want. For example, if you want to eat something with someone, you ask a question but in that question is what you want to eat. "What are we going to eat? Burger?" You are asking but you're suggesting that you want to eat a burger, so the person you asked will agree with what you asked and go for the burger. Same goes to a place you want to go and things you want to do.

-- "Where are we going? Beach?"
-- "What are we going to do? Watch a movie?"

In other matters, if you tend to tell a girl about your past relationship. Like, your ex left you for some other guy. You are suggesting that there is something wrong with you. If you tell her that your past relationship is a nightmare because of this and that, you are suggesting that you're not that good with handling problems. It's good that you tell stories about your past but not to the point that you tell her all the bad stuff.

In courting, I believe it's better to tell stories on how you can do things if you're happy and inspired. Tell things that will suggest that if even a chance, you can make her happy. Stories like you're not afraid to 'meet the parents' because of your good intentions, that you're willing to do the things that she likes or want (but don't ask her what she likes/wants, just be observant). If you think girls like this kind of movies, then make stories that would make her feel that you're on the page. Girls wanna hear what they want to hear. In most cases the power of suggestion is effective, you just need to master the art of it.