Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Is LoVe sweeter the 2nd time around.?!

Just cross my mind that it’s nice to write something about some old cliché. 'Love is sweeter the second time around'. This is what I think of it.

It depends on how the first one ended. There are instances that the first didn't go well because of some factors. Maybe if the reason is just "not the right time" thing, then maybe it is sweeter the second time around.
It also depends on how long is the gap between the first one and the second. On how mature each person became since they parted.

Where the second time started is also a factor. If they'll start again from being friends or start it from where they took off.

I guess it'll be sweeter if both parties will get with each other again with the thought that the first one didn't went well because of some indifferences. It'll be nice if they are ready to face that anytime soon that maybe, just maybe, second one will be just the same as the first one.

The key is to learn from the first one. On what went wrong and what makes it special that it deserves another shot. For me a “chance is change". We are given a second chance to change what's needed to be change.

The most important thing is to take into consideration why you have that second chance. It has to have a reason. A very special something that you decided to leave all the worries of the past and start a new.


Ray said...

yah ur right that depends on how u handle ur second chance...

ur li'l miss sunshine said...

and I hope that there's always a second chance...

second chances aren't always given to you...


it all comes down to fate in the end.