Friday, April 10, 2009

Beautifully Imperfect.

Today is good Friday and I open my facebook account, Sir Dexter Gabica posted a video with a wife talking in her husband funeral mass.

She started her message by telling the people that she will not say praise to her husband because lots of it was already been said by other friends, instead she reminisced about the sound of his snoring in the morning. On how her husband even was bothered by his own noise.

The message of the video simply implies that at the end of the day it's not the great things he/she did that you remember the most. It's the little things that would make you close your eyes and smile. At the end of the road you won't smile at the thought that he/she moved a mountain but it's the peculiar things that made him/her moved that mountain.

You can't even imagine the things you'd give up just to hear that snoring again, those little imperfection that make it perfect for you. It's the indifference's that would make us ask for more.

Hoping this Good Friday we won't forget to appreciate our beautifully imperfect someone...

1 comment:

Sean said...

wooow...kuyawa ba...melon melon man kaayo ka baron...hehehhe....