Saturday, May 2, 2009


Are cheaters born cheaters? Or do certain situations cause people to cheat? Probably a little bit of both.

In my opinion here are some situations that make people cheat:

I'd say this is the most common reason that people cheat. It's tough to keep that edge throughout a relationship. Things start off grand and then level off and then you both realize that it's still real life. You tend to do things for the sake of doing it. You'll text her good morning because you needed to not because you wanted to. When you meet someone else, that inaugural excitement of a new relationship kicks back in.

Sometimes life or a particular situation can get to you. When the perfect storm of confusion is going on in your head, you make mistakes. If you're in a situation that you don't know what to do, just sit down and think about it. Don't make a move and make mistake after another mistake.

If someone is mistreating you, then your first instinct is to get away from him or her. But sometimes it's not that simple-maybe you are raising kids together. If you feel trapped in a bad relationship, it's only natural that you will run to the open arms of a person who treats you well. You'll look for someone who'd take care of you that way you wanted to be.

This is quite simple- an eye for an eye. Cheat on them if they cheat on you. If they continuously hurt you or abuse you in some way, you do it to get them back.

At first glance, cheating seems like independent behavior. It could be interpreted as doing what you want, when you want. But cheating is a dependent behavior. A cheater is dependent because they are not strong enough to break up with their significant other in order to get with the new person.

Because They Let You
If any girl ever cheated on me, I'd break up with her immediately. Forgiving a cheater is putting up with it, and starts a vicious cycle. That person who cheated may lose respect for you and might continue to cheat-because they know they can get away with it, because you'll continue to take them back.

Confirmation of Attractiveness
Sometimes when you're in a long relationship, or if your significant other is taking you for granted, you begin to wonder if you're still attractive. Perhaps, because you were out on the dating circuit, you felt more attractive when you were single. If you have an affair, you've proven that a new person can be attracted to you.

The Thrill
Some people just enjoy the thrill of cheating: running around secretly, risking getting caught, and creating thrilling moments with a forbidden romance.

They Don't Consider It Cheating, Even Though You Might
Relationships have that gray area, usually right before you become exclusive. He thinks date #4 is when you're "together," and you think date #2 is when you're "together." If you haven't talked about exclusivity, someone may think they are well within their rights to see other people, even though the other person in the relationship may not.

Is it natural to have temptation, or is temptation a sign that the relationship is losing its fire? What reasons would you add to this list, and do you disagree with any? If you've ever cheated, why did you do it? Could you forgive a cheater? If you are single, but seeing a person who is in a committed relationship, does that make you a cheater?


Anonymous said...

dili ko ka relate ani....hahaha..


Anonymous said...

"Could you forgive a cheater?" NO, I really can't.Being cheated was the most painful thing that i ever experienced. i felt like i was stabbed zillion times. it's not an easy thing to deal with. i felt like i was so pathetic, loser and etc.. I believe that a cheater can always be a cheater no matter what..unless if that cheater will fall in love with a cheater too..maybe things will change :)


Anonymous said...

Which category do you fall?

Anonymous said...

Chearters are crazy freakz!!! What's really bothering me is d fact that even 'men' seem to b happily engaged with their partner..they can still afford to nourish the factors that wud make them cheat! Say for example the guy is currently engagd but wen he met another girl he finds more interesting, he cant freely express d feeling due 2 d current girlfriend.yet, he still keeps on doing things secretly 2 express d new&exciting sensation. Rather than doing so, he must b man enough 2 decide if he will keep loving d current girl or risk it alL - w/c means leaving d current & start all over again to win the new girl!!! tsk tsk tsk _poor girl19_

Lizfet said...

i wanna add up some info.. i guess this is true more often than not.. that most guy/girl that was raised "SPOILED" tend to cheat as well. because they used to get what they want.once they're in a relationship and the partner is unable to give him/her what she likes or wants then here goes the line that's bothering their mind "Oh,well he is unable to provide me everything then im gonna start looking for someone who could give me what i want" then that's when the cheating knocks on your door!